“After losing 80 pounds in 9 months, I haven’t lost a single pound over the last 5 weeks. What should I do?!” asked Barb, one of our newer Truthentics Health customers.

After enjoying so much success in such a short time, Barb was understandably feeling a bit frustrated by her seemingly sudden lack of any results.

Sadly, this isn’t uncommon. In fact, it ultimately affects nearly everyone who works diligently to lose weight, whether 10, 50, or 100 pounds! Fortunately, there are common reasons, and solutions, when it comes to overcoming any weight-loss plateau.

If you’ve had a similar experience, I think you’ll be able to relate to Barb’s experience and benefit from the tips below to bust through your weight-loss plateau.

Here’s what I told Barb…


Barb, first off, you are AMAZING! Wow! I couldn’t be happier to hear about your success in our Truthentics MetaFix Weight Loss Coaching Program, and you should be so proud of all you’ve accomplished!

But I know it’s frustrating to get “stuck” for several weeks, and I’m sure you’re feeling that frustration, particularly since you’re still applying all of the same strategies from the Program.

But I encourage you to stop now, take a deep breath, and look back over the last 9 months. Consider how far you’ve come! You’ve literally changed your life for the better in less than a year. That’s an enormous accomplishment. One that’s taken effort, perseverance, determination, and strength.

Plus, you’ve maintained your progress during the last five weeks. That’s another tremendous accomplishment. Maintaining weight-loss progress can be as challenging or even more so than losing the weight in the first place. In fact, researchers estimate that fewer than 25% of folks who lose weight are successfully able to keep it off for at least a year.

So celebrate this as another “big win”! You’ve stayed the course and maintained your weight-loss progress. That’s huge.

Your Body’s New Normal

What you likely don’t know is that your body is doing exactly what it needs to be doing right now. Mini weight-loss plateaus or maintenance periods are so important, in fact, that many weight loss coaches actually plan them for clients.

You see, these “quiet” periods are often a priming period, which is getting your body ready for more progress in the near future. Your body is making a ton of adjustments to the radical changes it has recently experienced. There’s so much more going on than just that number on the scale.

As your body (weight) changes, so does your physiology. For example, the calorie cost associated with every single activity is reduced. So, if you started at 230 pounds, it was more energy-costly for you to partake in all daily activities (compared to your new weight of 150 pounds). That’s just one consideration…

Secondly, our bodies have a number of energy-preservation mechanisms in place to offset changes in calorie intake. In other words, energy input or calories consumed affect energy output or calories burned. After all, we’re wired for survival and to avoid starvation.

Subconscious Adjustments

Another consideration is that as we reduce the number of calories we consume, our activity levels tend to decline overall. Typically, this happens subconsciously, and we don’t even know we’ve made these adjustments. It’s called “non-exercise activity thermogenesis” or NEAT by scientists. And essentially, this component of metabolism accounts for all calories burned during non-scheduled exercise activity, which might include taking the stairs, doing chores, fidgeting, taking a walk, getting up, and moving around throughout the day, etc.

Interestingly, this aspect of weight-loss research is so powerful (yet often overlooked) that some researchers refer to it as the “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” of weight gain.

For instance, researchers find that obese and overweight folks tend to sit for about 2.5 hours more each day (compared with lean folks). That’s a huge difference! Enough to account for upwards of 400 to 500 calories burned daily. Researchers also tend to see that folks who are following a reduced-calorie diet tend to reduce NEAT over time, and this is often the case when starting an exercise program as well.

Sticking to It

Lastly, in addition to the above mentioned metabolic changes and subconscious adjustments, researchers have found that “intermittent lack of diet adherence” is a major contributor to the frequently observed weight-loss plateaus. In other words, if you’re struggling with your weight-loss progress, the first place you might look is how well you’re still sticking to the Truthentics MetaFix Weight Loss Coaching Program.

As time goes by, many folks have a tendency to be a little looser with portion sizes and food choices. Or they may not be as concerned about progressing in exercise.

Busting Through Your Weight-Loss Plateau:

To bust through your weight-loss plateau, check out these crucial areas of concern. Pick one, and start there.

  • Check your compliance. Look through your tracking during the last 5 weeks of following your Truthentics MetaFix Weight Loss Coaching Program, review your exercise frequency and the intensity you’re putting into your exercise sessions, and see if you’ve been following it as closely as you had been.
  • Adjust your individualized weight loss nutrition. Yes, the Truthentics MetaFix Weight Loss Coaching Program has gotten you this far, but the same strategies that got you to where you are today may not be enough to get you to that next or final level. New strategies may need to be made – you may have to change how much food to eat and which foods you should be eating to ensure your body remains in a fat-burning state most of the day.
  • Change and adjust your energy expenditure. This comes down to your exercise regimen and whether it is individual enough to take you the rest of the way to your weight loss goal.  Remember, it NOT the amount of exercise you do but rather the intensity with which you do it that really counts.  Perhaps bumping up the “intensity factor” a little more is what you’re body need now to raise the bar.  Ultimately, your exercise prescription (how often and how long) is an individualized dose-response relationship:  the more custom it can be to you and your current metabolism, the easier it will be to lose that last 5, 10, or even 20 lbs.
  • Check your protein intake. In addition to making sure your overall calories consumed are on par with your goals, it’s also a good idea to make sure you’re consuming enough protein (0.72 – 1.0 gram per pound of body weight per day), as well as adequate amounts of carbohydrates and fats relative to your metabolism’s requirements. Low-density foods like vegetables and some fruits play an enormous role in the process by helping increase satiety (i.e., feelings of fullness and satisfaction) without a bunch of calories.
  • Incorporate quality supplementation. If you have all of the above variables dialed in, then it may also be a good idea to use certain supplements that are scientifically designed to naturally support and enhance your metabolic rate (i.e., increase calorie expenditure) and/or improve appetite control (i.e., decrease calorie intake).

Give the above tips a try for 2-3 weeks or so and then let us know how you’re progressing. It can take some time to dial your results back in, yet I know you can succeed and bust through your weight-loss plateau!

Bonus Weight Loss Tip:

What if I told you that a brand new, extremely simple metabolism-boosting strategy can increase your rate of weight loss by nearly 200% in less time than it takes to brush your teeth each day?

Now, before you think I’ve fallen off my rocker, here are the facts: 50 research participants (we’re writing the paper) experienced those exact results, on average, just by harnessing the power of this shockingly simple metabolism-booster each day… and you can absolutely do the same.

Even more, when you perform this simple trick daily, you’ll increase your fat-burning metabolism during the day, and EVEN while you sleep… The end result is significant, visually noticeable and measurable fat-burning results in as little as 2-3 short weeks.

CLICK HERE to BOOST metabolism nearly 200% in just 2-3 weeks (do THIS daily)