Lose Weight and Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

You may have often read articles, blogs and news saying that obesity is a root cause of many diseases, one of which is diabetes. It is natural to question this statement. How can obesity or being overweight cause so many diseases?

But, if we look at just diabetes and obesity, then the research suggests that 85% of diabetics are overweight.  The extra fat doesn’t only add to their weight but it also affects their kidneys, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Doctors and researchers worldwide agree that losing weight can have a significant impact on your blood sugar levels. It can further help you manage insulin resistance.

When you are overweight, your body’s demands for insulin increase. This urges the pancreas to produce more insulin than its capacity. As a result, insulin-producing cells start dying. Moreover, the extra fat molecules around the belly of overweight individuals also impact the insulin-producing cells, making the condition even worse. Your body is demanding more insulin, but you are destroying the insulin-producing cells.

This destruction leads to lower insulin production and your body doesn’t react and adjust because you are insulin resistant. The result is consistently high blood sugar levels.

When you start losing weight, you do not have to experience the high demand for insulin, nor are you going to destroy the insulin-producing cells. Most of the time, weight loss helps improve insulin resistance, in return making your body listen to insulin instructions once again. It’s therefore able to transport glucose/sugar from the blood to the cells, replenishing them to work again with a better environment.

It is also important to note here that losing weight may not bring your sugar levels completely back to normal, but it will decrease your insulin demand. Losing weight may also lower your need for medications. You may also have better control over your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and less risk of developing other complications. 


Obesity Action Coalition. Understanding Excess Weight and its Role in Type 2 Diabetes

Health. The Real Reason You’re Not Losing Weight