The Science Behind Cinnamon’s Role In Helping You Lose Weight

Healthy dietary interventions are typically the best way to maintain a healthy weight. Likewise, there are certain dietary modifications that in the process of supporting weight loss can help you with factors such as maintaining balanced blood sugar levels.

Elevated sugar levels can lead to weight gain and complications like obesity. When we talk about dietary modifications, it doesn’t necessarily only mean to cut out certain foods or drinks, but it also infers the inclusion of foods in your diet that can help.

One such food item is cinnamon. Cinnamon does make a great addition to the taste of food and has health benefits as well.  One benefit that can intrigue is its role in boosting metabolism and lowering blood sugar levels. Before you start including cinnamon in your diet, it is important to understand how it helps.

Cinnamon As An Insulin Regulator

A high sugar level is the consequence of the absence or insufficient amount of insulin. Insulin is a hormone responsible for transporting sugar from the blood to the cells, where it is used as energy to derive the necessary functions.

One of the magical traits of cinnamon is that it imitates the effects of insulin in the body and transports glucose into the cells. Cinnamon makes insulin more efficient by moving glucose into the cells. Thus, causes a reduction in blood sugar levels. 

Cinnamon As An Antioxidant

High blood sugar levels are not simply because of the absence of insulin but there are other factors involved too. One such factor is oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the cell damage caused by free radicals. Oxidative stress can also damage the insulin-producing cells, if left uncontrolled.

However, cinnamon consists of antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress, therefore improving insulin function and help to maintain a good level of sugar in the blood.

A pinch of cinnamon in your food can be of great help. Daily consumption of cinnamon has proved to be a significant tool against elevated blood sugar levels. It can be incorporated in a daily diet by simply sprinkling a pinch of it on your oatmeal at breakfast, in your coffee, in creamy treats like low-fat Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, or even over fruit.

Cinnamon To Boost Metabolism

Cinnamon is also thought to help boost metabolism. In a study, published by the journal Metabolism, researchers from the University of Michigan tested the effect of cinnamaldehyde — the essential oil that gives cinnamon its flavor — on fat cells taken from humans. 

While more research is needed, the study found the cinnamon oil triggered burning of calories through a process known as thermogenesis, which is known to enhance fat metabolism.

Reference Cinnamaldehyde induces fat cell-autonomous thermogenesis and metabolic reprogramming