Managing your weight doesn’t have to become a full-time job. Too make it easier and not as stressful, it is important to understand certain factors that can hinder weight loss. One well-known factor is inflammation. It can not only hinder weight loss but can cause spikes in blood sugar levels and lead to health conditions such as diabetes and arthritis.
You cut back portion size... start skipping dessert... and
then double up on exercise. But your pants keep fitting tighter and the scale
creeps UP instead...
Managing high sugar levels can be challenging when relying only on medications, meal plans, and counting carbs. More often than not, many people forget that integrating physical activity into their daily routines can help.
As you get older, you may notice that it is increasingly difficult to lose weight. This is especially true after you pass the milestone 50th birthday. Don't fret though, as here are some proven strategies that you can use to help you to effectively lose weight after you turn 50.